Sunday, March 29, 2015

Birthdays make me blue

My two kids have birthdays just over two weeks apart. Now that they are older, their birthdays really just make me blue. How can so much time have gone by so quickly? How can I have kids who are turning 19 and 21? What have I accomplished in these years? Me, me, me. Their birthdays are all about me, after all! (I promise I'm kidding. Sort of.)

Anyway, my baby turns 19 tomorrow, and my first-born is having that milestone 21st birthday in a few weeks. So I'm going to be blue for a little while here. It's life, I guess.

But I was thinking about it while driving around today feeling blue. I was feeling like I needed a little something to help me feel rooted as that whole blueness thing makes me feel a bit adrift. And while wandering a Metropark today I came across this path just dimpled with roots. Well. If that isn't a sign I don't know what is.

It's really not about me. They are their own people now, and I've done my job. I'm here to support, to champion, to lift when they need it, but their lives are their own. And I think I'm going to be okay, too. I'll get past myself and celebrate these milestones with my babies, who are decidedly not my babies anymore.

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