Wednesday, August 12, 2015

At Peace?

What I see when I look at this photo.




I placed the sun right between my eyes. The Third Eye. The Sixth Chakra.
The center of intuition. A place that will guide me to inner knowledge. If I let it.

But instead I am feeling stuck and full of doubt. I've experienced a loss. Without getting into great detail, a close friend and I have parted ways. I am sad about it. I am grieving. But I also know it is for the best. In the long run,  I will grow from this. They will grow from this. My inner wisdom tells me this is so.

I was going to take some photos of myself during a particular bad patch of grieving, but that felt wrong. I want to focus on healing and what that means to me right now.

It means letting go of attachments. It means letting the grief come but knowing that it will begin to lessen in time. It means finding strength and honesty in myself. It means not allowing regret to cloud my vision. It means asking for help from my community and loved ones. It means remembering who I truly am, not what they told me I was. Not what anyone tells me I am.

So I close my eyes and I allow myself to really see. See that light and power and wisdom that is me, even when I feel like I am an aimless wanderer who cannot control her emotions. The path I am on may not be straight and perfect, but I'm still on it. Falling in holes but climbing out and trying again.

Always trying again.

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