Thursday, February 5, 2015

One of my favorite places

I have some artist friends. Old friends, these guys, and I've written about their talent and their generosity in other blog posts. I love them, cannot get enough of them.

I also love their house.

Their house is this magical place that kind of sucks you into a time warp... hours and hours can seemingly float by when I'm there. They tell great stories. There's art everywhere. There's a backdrop of ambient music. There is leaded glass, and antique furniture, and the light that flows in from the windows is somehow totally unlike the light anywhere else, ever. Greg dishes up killer homemade desserts and Leon pours wine, or bourbon, or whatever is handy or appropriate to the mood and it's all just so intoxicating.

Anyway, I ventured over to see what kind of self portrait I could get on this bitter but sunny February day.

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