Friday, January 9, 2015

New year, not-so-new me

Well, I'm not walking around promising new this or new that from myself. So when I say "not-so-new" I actually mean it in a really good way. More like I'm going to be more accepting of the me I've become this year. Hang-ups, issues, faults, mistakes and all. Because honestly, if you can't get your arms around yourself in your fifth decade of living, I'm not sure you're going to get around to it. And that would just be a shame.

Still, I am not a big fan of seeing photos of myself, as I suspect most people over a certain age are as well. I am too critical. Why, though? I would never look at a photo of a friend and think about how big her nose looks, or how tired she looks, or how icky her wrinkles are. I just wouldn't. So why don't we look at ourselves with the same love and forgiveness? That's part of what this project is about for me.

I'm joining Jane in a self-portrait-a-week for 2015. Posting right here. I think it's going to be fun but also challenging. Challenging to come up with new ideas so I don't have the same old shot every week. Challenging to not want to erase those little things I see that annoy me. Challenging to be creative but not cheesy, or, give myself permission to be cheesy just for the fun of it. In any case, I'm jumping in.

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