Thursday, December 31, 2015


I am bare like a tree preparing for winter
Releasing what does not serve me
No longer hiding behind doubts of my worth
But willing to expose all that I am
To become who I was meant to be

Thursday, December 10, 2015

It's Only Make Believe

Did you know I always wanted to be in a band? If I had an album coming out, I might choose one of these for the cover. 

I don't play an instrument, or write music. My voice is fair to middling. 

But none of that matters, because I can be anything I want to be in this picture. 

Today, I'm in a band. 

Look for my album, due in stores any day now. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Last hurrah

I really don't like how I'm feeling right now.

This place--the cottage--is where I spend a good quarter of the year or more. We close it up for the winter and while that makes perfect sense, it sure hits me hard.

I miss it the second it's done. I regret what I didn't get to while I was here (I never made a pie this year, or jam; I never day-tripped further north like I planned; I didn't invite friends I wanted to invite). It magnifies what I see as my failings, all the things that I didn't have time for, didn't get around to, didn't wake up early enough to do or stay up late enough to see. But these failings are not just there, they're everywhere I am. 

I think it's more about the making of time and space to do things. I keep putting things off. I'm putting myself off, really. I want to think about the coming year as the time to stop hesitating.